Klapparstígur 12
Klapparstígur 12, was an exhibition that served as a meeting point for the works of 7 geographically dispersed artists through bringing their work into a sharedapartment for a few hours. The site was transformed from an everyday home shared by two people and two cats into an exhibition space. What is usually, out of sight is revealed and juxtaposed with performances that demanded to be seen. Building on the connections that lie between moments within a shared space this exhibition featured the works of:
Drengurinn fengurinn (IS)
Logi Leó Gunnarsson (IS)
Brontë Jones (AU)
Monika Kiburytė (LT)
Klāvs Liepiņš (LV)
Sion Prior (AU) (with performance by Tara Njála Ingvarsdóttir)
Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir (IS)
It was organised in collaboration with:
Almarr S Atlason, Anna María Ingibergsdóttir, Grétar Þór Sigurðssonn, Katerína Katerina Spathií, Katrín Lilja Kristinsdóttir, María Rún Þrándardóttir, Momo Hayashi, Nína Friðriksdóttirr, Patricia Carolinaa, Sarah Maria Yasdani, Sigríður Erla Jóhönnudóttir, Sofia Tange Akiros, Sophie Durand, Sunna Ástþórsdóttir, Þórður T. Alissonn, Þórhildur Tinna Sigurðardóttir with metorship from Dorothee Kirch