The Light and the Heavy
The Light and the Heavy produced in collaboration with Magali Rifflart-Villeneuve is a collection of tales from Hungary presented as a multi-media installation and a book of the same name. These stories: a journey though shared experiences and dreams in Hungary oscillates between the felt, the imagined and the experienced.
Copies of the book The Light and the Heavy are available upon request.
Field notes made by Sophie during the development of this project can be read here.
The Light and the Heavy, 2016, Installation view at D'Clinic Studios, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
1. The boar who became a deer interactive mapping video on digital print.
2. Resistance lace curtain and curtain rod
3. (Front) He had been given a name and it was clear that he knew something wood, paper, paint, bricks, candle
4. (Back) Untitledcermic bowls made at Gébárti Kézművesek Háza during the Saturday morning pottery workshop, Chrysanthemum ‘Regal Mist Purple’ bought at the Zalaegerszeg farmers market on the 30th of October 2016
The Light and the Heavy, 2016, Installation detail.
The Light and the Heavy, 2016, Installation detail,
1. Installation view of The Light and the Heavy video 4:42 mins
2. Untitled cermic bowls made at Gébárti Kézművesek Háza during the Saturday morning pottery workshop, Chrysanthemum ‘Regal Mist Purple’ bought at the Zalaegerszeg farmers market on the 30th of October 2016
The Light and the Heavy, 2016, Installation detail, Untitled drawing and polaroid photograph